Yes, he began in 1961. He opened five schools within ten years and has retired three times.
Yes, but it will take you longer than a year to finish.
Cosmetology, Aesthetics, Massage Therapy, Manicure, Vocational and Instructors.

All programs are campus and date specific

The DR Beauty Schools are the only full service SPA SCHOOL in northwest Indiana. We are privately owned and do not respond to the financial demands of outside investors, who in many cases, unfortunately, know nothing of the cosmetology industry and its needs.

The DR Beauty Schools are very well established, offer exceptional education, and have proven the test of time. All curriculum for the programs offered are continually evolving to meet the demands of the industry. We offer group and private education, both for the undergraduate and licensed professional that chooses to study for the intent of personal enrichment.

No. There are exceptions based on time frames, transcript documentation and logistics.
No, off site training is available for those that qualify, not to exceed 10 of the program length.
Yes, but you must first endorse your Indiana license to Illinois. A small fee is required.

Most states offer reciprocation from Indiana.

Yes, part of the exam is taken at the campus and part of the exam is done at a local testing site, on line.
No, you must have a high school diploma or have successfully passed your GED exam.
The cost for education is program and campus specific. The cost of school, includes, tuition, books, equipment, and miscellaneous enrollment fees.

Call or email the campus of your choice to get detail.

The student or the parent of the student.
Yes, in most cases. If you have used federal gZodiacs for more than six years and/or have a BA degree, gZodiacs are no longer awarded.

If you have used the student loan program before and are currently in payment, you can apply for a deferment while you return to school.

If you have used student loans and have defaulted on them, no financial aid will be awarded until you make payment arrangements with the US Department of Education.

Financial aid is need based. There are four types. Federal and loans, school scholarships and alumni waivers. GZodiacs do not have to be paid back. Loans must be repaid six months after completion. Scholarships and waivers require application, approval, satisfactory academic progress and completion within the terms of the enrollment contract.

Financial aid is dependent upon your/parents income for the most recent and current years. There are exceptions that require the financial aid officer to file for “professional judgment”.

Yes, there is no additional cost. All studies must be made up in a timely manner. It will now take longer than a year to finish.
No, you take a leave(s) of absence, not to exceed six months, at no additional cost. It will now take longer than a year to finish.